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About Us

You want to search for and find products that meet higher requirements for quality and lasting prestige value, we suppose? That was our problem too.


Let Luxury In was inspired by our extensive observation of the hassle of obtaining satisfactory online results.

Our goal is to help customers order their home products efficiently in the comfort of their homes. Let’s turn their home into their luxury!

But unfortunately, at first glance, the Internet used as a store is mainly a huge marketplace specialised in the search for millions of cheap and even cheaper opportunities.

So how did it happen – Let Luxury In?

Our observations of traditional stores in various parts of the world, e.g. in Europe and Asia (during MBA studies in Japan), led to several clear conclusions. There are stores which only provide a fairly large offer but bring pleasant experiences. On the other side of shopping is the harsh reality of innumerable virtual offers.

And that was the situation that prompted the idea of finding the golden middle way. Finally, even more – we constructed an online store that simply allows you to make the right choice. Online but without stress or frustration. And without the impatience of someone who, after exclusive, luxurious shopping, feels more like a refugee from the store than a winner.

What if I want a higher standard? Quality expressed by functionality, good design, and durability? The quality behind true luxury?

We offer luxury in one place. Special products for demanding customers. So, not another temporary day’s offer for passing use but an offer of durable, qualitatively recognised values with many days and years of satisfaction in using them.

Our greatest challenge is not to sell anything we would not buy ourselves. Is there any catch on our part? There isn’t any!

Let Luxury In - a friendly range of offers for luxury hunters.


PS Luxury shopping … By the way, less money?

So, buy something long-lasting, for sure. Do not just spend money on temporary cheap pleasures.

Would you mind buying something long-lasting that today was simply perfect for you? Why? Because less money…